Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mental Health - An Overdiagnosed & Overmedicated Crime

Professor Peter Gotzsche
Saturday, 14 February 2015. 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Yesterday I attended a talk by professor Peter Gotzsche, were he presented research data on drug induced human behaviour, which had led to suicide's & homicide's.

Explaining how the behaviour of psychiatrist's who collude with the criminal behaviour of the multinational drug companies, has created our current era of overdiagnosis & overmedication. With his real-life story of how the drug Prozac, as a medication treatment for depression, gained approval in Sweden after it was deemed dangerous and ineffective by authorities in Germany. Particularly disturbing for our sense of being involved in a civilized society.

As an "expert on internal medicine," Peter's description of himself, not mine. Peter described the behaviour of "big pharma," as the international pharmaceutical corporations, have come to be known to people who have struggled with the side effects, and dysfunctional behaviour, induced by powerful "neuroleptic" compounds.

With the commercial marketing of anti-psychotic and anti-depression medications (tranquillizing neuroleptic's) with a public image of science based research and trail tested data. Involving a profit driven collusion between some academic psychiatrist's and commercial drug houses, being much like the behaviour of the crime organization, known as, The Mafia. Which, for normal member's of the public, who only see the image of mental health presented by the "fourth estate," (the media) in their role of defending civilization, will feel like a totally irresponsible comparison. A scandalous accusation to make about the reality of our current treatment of human mental health. In our accepted "medical" view of human behaviour.

And sure enough, in the question and answer session at the end of Peter's presentation, there was talk about "censorship" of the truth and the real-life experience of ordinary people, in our nation's media outlet's. With collusion between the rank and status elites in our society, and their capacity to censor real-life stories about the behaviour of large corporations, likened to criminal and Mafia like behaviour.

There rousing cheers for a need to fight for freedom and truth, in our nation and keep strong the "civilized" foundations of our society.

Thomas Keneally. Beloved Australian author & novelist

Yet as Australia's beloved author and novelist,Thomas Keneally pointed out, on ABC television's Q&A program last year. We don't seem to have a society these days, more of an economy masquerading as a society.

With the nature of our "economically" driven behaviour, underpinning the question I put to Peter Goztzsche during the Q&A session after his presentation.

"You have presented evidence of drug induced behaviour's like suicide and homicide. Can I ask you if you think the medical profession is the right scientific discipline to really understand human behaviour. Or do we need an inter-disciplinary approach, as called for by the developmental scientist Alan N Schore."

Peter looked at me with glazed eyes and I could see that he was struggling to understand the logic and relevance of my question. "I'm a scientist. An expert on internal medicine." He had proclaimed during his presentation and again during the Q&A.

Yet the Q&A session was neither science or medicine. It was human behaviour, as the real-life manifestation of our politics of experience. Where debate is energized by the bio-energetic nature of passion.  Energized by our heart, in the bio-energetic reality of our perceptions. And how was I to ask a question that suggest's how Peter Goztsche world-view may be shaped by his vocation and fascination with internal medicine? How to ask questions that shift the debate from a medical perspective on human behaviour, with its basic assumptions of disease and pathology, towards a development perspective on human behaviour, and the burgeoning new science discipline of "psychophysiology."

How to ask questions which will bring a realization of our "trance state" avoidance of the internal nature of human behaviour, with our "fixation" on language for human communication?  How to explain how my shift towards internal sensations, raised my self-awareness of how my heart energizes all my bodily movements, including the movements of my mind and my sense of perception? How to convince the identified experts that identified patients like me can resolve our own psychotic experience, without the aid of experts and the confusion generated by assuming that others can tell us what our actual experience of reality, is.

It is a difficult task, to explain how, our normal, everyday delusion that words are our reality. How much we exalt language above nature and how far we have strayed from the reality of our actual experience, by creating an egoic membrane, as a "conceptual" defence against the sensations of our body. This conceptual illusion of a sense of reality fixed within our heads, was demonstrated quiet clearly by a well educated young man, who confidently gestured to his forehead and said, "everything is here."

While the intuitive genesis R.D. Laing (a doctor of medicine and experienced psychiatrist) suggested that:

We are all in a hypnotic trance, induced in infancy. 

As we become fixated on a feeling for words, rather than internal sensations and a more holistic sense of reality.

While I'm sure he would agree that the current paradox of modernity. An era of unprecedented material (economic) wealth, aslo involving unprecedented physical and mental ill health, in our most developed societies. Is created by our individual, Poverty of Self-Awareness.

For as the Buddha states quiet concisely: Words do not describe reality. Reality is your present experience.

How do you experience reality? Through your head or your whole body? How aware are you, of the internal sensations that underpin your thoughts and the perception experience we label, mind?

And is there really any separation inside you, at the cellular level of your reality?

There is a practical exercise which confirms Eckhart Tolle's first law of enlightenment: You are not your mind.

In your most private moments, when you experience the private conversation with yourself that we all have. Feel for the "tension" that will be present in your tongue. And notice "how" when you release that tension, you experience a spontaneous shift in internal sensations within your body, and a spontaneous intake of a deeper breath.

A spontaneous activity of your nervous system, which you can only block by "holding" yourself in habitual muscular tension. And this is the double-bind trap of traumatic experience, where we become so fearful of internal sensations, that we lose ourselves within the conceptual delusions of our mind.

Advise, that comes form the expertise of lived experience, and an education into developmental science discoveries of how our mind is actually created by lived experience. Yet we don't remember our birth or early life experience and simply take for granted our adult capacity of language. That dichotomy of being human, in how we learn behaviours and that learning process becomes sub-conscious and automatic.

So if your an ordinary Aussie like me, do you still trust medical experts to tell you how heal your mental health, or do you think its time we took an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding human behaviour?  

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